danny The olden days (my art from the past) Beginning as far back as 1993 ...maybe 1992 - it's hard to recall atm, I have a collection of unfinished drawings and ideas that now, I regret not completing. I can see the pathway in hind sight and t... Precious Treasure comics eye balls eyes gullible ignorance ignorant people are people too
danny A little art for a bigger world Intro Ideas from everywhere Rashomon or Trueman or... Explain it then Friends with benefits Originality? Whats the point? Roughly put together but I'll smooth it over with time. Use the tabs on the le...
danny The why, what, where, when and just fill in the gaps 1. How to read emotion in text? (Just trying to figure it out really.) I realized about half-way through writing this that I was struggling to make sense and couldn’t figure a way to make it so that i... about the art bitzofart concept double-slit experiment more detail