Beginning as far back as 1993
...maybe 1992 - it's hard to recall atm, I have a collection of unfinished drawings and ideas that now, I regret not completing. I can see the pathway in hind sight and the thinking behind it (I see the changes). I'll gather what I can when I can so this page will grow slowly over time. At any point it'll probably make little sense to anyone who bothers to go through this but I think of it as a positive thing. Its kind of like casting a line and fishing for a similar story just to prove to myself that it's normal to be ignorant no matter how educated or smart you think you are.
Way way back around the year 2000 I was just realizing that trusting myself was probably the biggest part to being able to get my ideas out of me and into a visual form. I had a fear of telling people what I think and I needed to just get over it. The images below were kind of my own push-back on the push I was feeling to become some one "special", something that seemed to be engulfing the culture of "indie" which seemed to have grown from the popularising for the "individual" or "alternative".
This character was in some way a version of myself.
It's probably how I imagined others looked at me but I kind of dressed them up as a collage of other people I had known but whom I admired. I guess I wanted to stop being hard on myself and so I had to make a character/s that I could pick on.
This character is gullibility.
The Kind of gullibility that gets you into trouble.
The kind of trouble you need to get into OR maybe that's just an excuse to be stupid.
Ignorant people are people too...
I think I recall making this a T-shirt (or wanting to at least) and having a title/caption for it "Ignorant people are people too"
Eyes are the windows to the soul...
Take me with you???
Take me with Who?
Must be this guy below...
There's more to this story, but for now I'll leave you with the vision of a pot-hole just up ahead.
More to the story is coming in the near future.
The olden days (my art from the past)