Deborah Klein

I think I spent a long time avoiding just saying "I really like that".  I think Deborah Klein's Lino cuts are my oldest memory of this but so glad I can see it and admit it now.  How do I know this?    
My daughter started drawing pictures of hair braids and the first thing I thought was to show her the images I remembered from over 20 years ago, of this Australian artist, what was her name... yeah well, you get the picture, and the rest was google (well, Brave actually - not a fan of Google lately). 

Back to the artist and the influence...  

I know I liked the work but back then I was looking for more.  At least I thought that there was more but never realised that what I was seeing was going to stick with me, and I have to say it must have done so for a reason.  I think it's just beautiful and patient and that's also probably what repelled me simultaneously.  I was planning on ruining the art world and this was not something I wanted to be associated with.  To be clear, I loved the work but I suspect I didnt want to admit that I loved it as it was there in the world dictating to would-be come laters like me, that "you're too late, I've already filled that gap"..  Luckily my plans failed and somehow the Lino prints would circle back to my minds eye on at least a yearly basis I'd say.  Part of my learning to accept and be a vehicle is possibly always being reminded of this artist's work.

More on Klein:

danny 7 September 2024
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