Going Digital but I'll be back

I'm thinking about NFT's.
Enough thinking and now I want to start.  
Actually been planning to get one made for about 2 years or so - just to make a start so that I don't suffer any FOMO - but never the time to look into it and now it's almost too late to be a pioneer to any degree worth the satisfaction.  Had to get over the digital hurdle - didn't believe in it except for advertising material bla bla and now I see how slow I am to catch on.  Hated the idea of digital art but then I remind myself that photography also had a rough reception to the art world and it took quite a bit of teething to see it flourish, so FUCK IT (I say that with a Bond Like smirk because I know that no one really gives a shit and I have to ameliorate my self image for when the time comes to regret that I ever did this and said that.  You know I'm hoping that I'm wrong but that's just the Buddhist in me).

Here it goes...
I photshopped!

So now its out in the open.  I feel like I'm a dinosaur actually.  Surely there are better and easier-to-use tools than photoshop but I'll get there in time (If I ever start selling my art).
Maybe I should be discreet about what I dis' online (Totally LERVE photoshop!!!).

I did some quick filters in photoshop and quickly had a few results that I liked.  Mostly for the fact that they washed out the flaky bits in the original work but I didn't mind it at all.  I used to try to convince myself that raw is powerful and all natural and good.  I don't like AI so lets not go there but I can live with cheating on my art just to adjust the look and make endless variations of the same thing.  The doors keep widening as I head into my 4th hour of play with photoshop (to be truthful I've been playing with Photoshop since around 2007 - maybe even earlier but lets say 2007 to be sure - just not for my personal artwork ).  I can see there is potential but now it's a threat to all the plans that I had for painting on canvas - I cant let that die as I've only just begun and I don't want to be a digital brat.  Will see how it goes but for now it's just going to be NFT's and all this stuff I had to write to remind myself of the reason I'm doing this.  I need money!!  NFT's sound like they could potentially solve a lot of problems - as long as the power doesn't go out!

So remember those pieces from the George Pados project?  That's what I'm going to use for my very first NFT...

danny 14 March 2024
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The George Pados Project
I could be a comic book